Kim Phillips

Training Support and Delivery Project Manager

Joined Victor 12: 2017

Prior Experience: Kim served as the Program Manager supporting design and development contracts for New York City (NYC) Department of Correction (DOC) and NYC Administration for Children’s Services (ACS). She supported Veteran’s Health Administration (VHA) and VA Acquisition Academy’s (VAAA) School for Supply Chain Management on several leadership programs and training initiatives. Prior to joining Victor 12, Kim was a Project Manager and Senior Instructional Designer at Gemini Technologies, developing training and managing projects for U.S. Army and Navy contracts. Before joining Gemini Technologies, Kim was an Instructional Designer with SRA International designing training solutions for various Government agencies.

Current Role: Kim serves as a Project Management Institute (PMI) certified Project Manager supporting Training Support and Delivery on the VTESS contract. She provides oversight, direction, and support to the Course Advocate, Learning Performance Consultant, and ELITE Teams.  

Fun Fact: Kim has traveled to 6 of the 7 continents.