Kelly Ward

VTESS Program Manager & Certified Information Security Manager (CISM)

Joined Victor 12: 2017

Prior Experience: Kelly has held Program and Project Manager roles in support of Federal, State, Department of Defense (DoD), and commercial contracting clients. Her PM expertise falls in software, network infrastructure, and training program domains. Prior to her current position, Kelly was Project Manager for the VBA Training Infrastructure contract. While VBA has been a major customer since the early 2000s, Kelly’s customers have included the DoD-authorized National Language Service Corps (NLSC), Navy, Marine Corps, State of New Jersey, Joint Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL), Microsoft, and American Express. Her career, research, and publications have focused on transforming training standards and technologies.

Current Role: Kelly serves as the VBA Training Enterprise-wide Solutions and Support (VTESS) Program Manager.

Fun Fact: Kelly enjoys family time, crafting, and outdoor adventures in every season.